Released My 9-11 Song – After The Fall

I’m releasing my 9-11 song “After The Fall” today. Here’s more about this song:

The inspiration for the song was a dream I had several years ago. This was no ordinary dream. It was one of the most seemingly real dreams I’ve ever had. Not just the colors and the people in the dream, I felt a larger “presence,” for want of a better word, propelling the dream. The dreamscape felt as life-like as waking reality. The dream world opened up in ways that I’ve rarely experienced before or since.

The next morning I wrote down all the events that took place. Putting the dream into words was much easier than I expected, and I didn’t have to make up any of the details, I just wrote down what I remembered. The dream easily described itself. After setting the words to music, and then singing “After The Fall” several times, I felt the song resonated, true to the dream.

I hope After The Fall resonates for you.

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