The Inspiration for the Song – Our New Love Is Too Big To Fail

Many people say they like the title of my new song: Our New Love Is Too Big To Fail.

For years we’ve  heard the phrase “too big to fail” since the economic disaster – they now call it the Great Recession. I’ve heard it used in regards to all sorts of other potential economic failures – from car manufacturers to oil companies. I thought I would come at it from a different angle and write a love song or ballad.OurNewLove cd

After planting the title and song seed, the chorus came without much effort. The verses took a little longer. There were three verses, but I only kept the best two verses, especially when I realized that the song would run over the five minute mark. As a ballad, played live, with 2-3 solo choruses, Our New Love Is Too Big To Fail slows down the pace of a set and gets people slow-dancing or swaying.


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