Story Behind the Song – Back Together – The Lyrics

Back Together – The Song Lyrics

Back Together’s lyrics had been kicking around in my song box for a number of years; last year I finally got around to completing the song. I think any time you use the name “Carrie” in a song, people might think of Stephen King’s famous, popular novel or either of the movies based on King’s novel. But for me, Carrie was always the right name for Back Together’s main character – a young woman reunited with her daughter.

The song’s setting – “a little house across the street” from a public school – reminded me of growing up in Boulder, Colorado, and attending sixth grade at a school on Hawthorn Street. I pictured Carrie and her daughter Jenn getting to know their neighbors, learning about the new neighborhood, and feeling a little overwhelmed but happy to be together again.

The lyrics came quickly on the first pass and didn’t require much revision, but of course, there’s always a word, a line or a rhyme that needs changing. I also decided not to go into much detail about what caused Carrie and Jenn’s separation; the backstory is better left for a future song.

Like most of my songs, Back Together began with the title and the two song characters – the story developed from there. I keep a book of song titles that I try to add to daily. Sometimes I find that writing down a title will plant a creative seed in my unconscious that will “grow” a song. Then at a later date when I’m looking through my collection of titles, I’ll find a title of a new song that wants to be written. The songs take on a life of their own.

Thanks for listening to my song – Back Together.

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